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1. Project Setup

  • Create a new C# Console Application: This will be the foundation for your JSON parser.

2. Define the JSON Structure (Classes)

  • Create C# classes to represent the different data types you expect in your JSON:
    • JsonObject: To hold key-value pairs (where value can be another JsonObject, JsonArray, JsonString, JsonNumber, JsonBoolean, or JsonNull).
    • JsonArray: To hold a list of JsonObject, JsonArray, JsonString, JsonNumber, JsonBoolean, or JsonNull elements.
    • JsonString: To represent a string value.
    • JsonNumber: To represent a number value (integer or decimal).
    • JsonBoolean: To represent a boolean value (true or false).
    • JsonNull: To represent the null value.

3. Implement the Parser

  • Create a JsonParser class: This class will be responsible for parsing the JSON string.
  • Parse method:
    • Take the JSON string as input.
    • Create a StringBuilder to store the current token (e.g., a key, value, or delimiter).
    • Iterate through each character in the input string:
      • Handle whitespace: Skip any whitespace characters (spaces, tabs, newlines).
      • Handle delimiters:
        • If the current character is a quote ("), handle string values.
        • If the current character is a colon (:), it likely separates a key from its value.
        • If the current character is a comma (,), it likely separates values within an array or object.
        • If the current character is a left brace ({), start parsing an object.
        • If the current character is a right brace (}), end parsing an object.
        • If the current character is a left bracket ([), start parsing an array.
        • If the current character is a right bracket (]), end parsing an array.
      • Build tokens: Append characters to the StringBuilder until you encounter a delimiter or the end of a value.
    • Create the corresponding JSON objects: Based on the parsed tokens, create instances of JsonObject, JsonArray, JsonString, etc.
    • Build the object hierarchy: Recursively parse nested objects and arrays.

4. Example Usage

  • Create a JSON string:
string jsonString = @"{
    ""name"": ""John Doe"",
    ""age"": 30,
    ""address"": {
        ""street"": ""123 Main St"",
        ""city"": ""Anytown""
    ""hobbies"": [""reading"", ""hiking"", ""coding""]
  • Parse the JSON string:
JsonParser parser = new JsonParser();
JsonObject rootObject = parser.Parse(jsonString);
  • Access the parsed data:
string name = rootObject.GetValue<JsonString>("name").Value;
int age = rootObject.GetValue<JsonNumber>("age").Value;
JsonObject address = rootObject.GetValue<JsonObject>("address");
string city = address.GetValue<JsonString>("city").Value;
JsonArray hobbies = rootObject.GetValue<JsonArray>("hobbies"); 
string firstHobby = hobbies.GetValue<JsonString>(0).Value; 

5. (Optional) Error Handling

  • Implement robust error handling to gracefully handle invalid JSON syntax (e.g., missing quotes, unbalanced braces/brackets).
  • Throw exceptions or return error messages to indicate parsing issues.

Key Considerations:

  • Performance: For large JSON files, consider optimizing the parsing algorithm (e.g., using a faster string parsing method, minimizing memory allocations).
  • Flexibility: Design your classes to be extensible to handle different JSON data types and features as needed (e.g., comments, escape sequences).
  • Testing: Write unit tests to ensure the correctness and robustness of your JSON parser.

Example Code Snippet (Illustrative)

public class JsonString
    public string Value { get; set; }

    public JsonString(string value)
        Value = value;

// ... other classes (JsonObject, JsonArray, etc.)

public class JsonParser
    public JsonObject Parse(string json)
        // ... parsing logic ...

This is a basic outline. You'll need to fill in the detailed implementation of each class and the parsing logic within the JsonParser class.

Remember to refer to the JSON specification for a complete understanding of the JSON format and its rules.